Age UK needs your help!

Age UK needs your help!

"Can you help us?

We are launching a public appeal to people and organisations in the Borough of Colchester for help. We have been providing services for older people in the Borough for over forty years and sadly find ourselves in a position where we have been drawing heavily on our reserves to provide these because of increasing competition for funding.

Staff and volunteers at the George Street headquarters in Colchester provide older people with services they could not obtain easily elsewhere. Clients of the Advice Service are advised on benefits and allowances and assisted to apply for them if applicable. Home visits are available.

Since 2003 clients have been helped to claim over £10 million pounds in benefits, money which of course flows into the local economy benefiting small businesses such as personal care and domestic agencies, taxi companies, suppliers of disability equipment among others.

Volunteer advocates assist individuals who often have no family available with complex problems. In addition to the Advice and Information services, there are the social clubs and activities, day care facilities, consumer advice sessions, computer classes and a free legal advice surgery.

Age UK Colchester is an independent charity responsible for finding its own funding. We are now at the edge of our own fiscal cliff! We will be unable to operate as at present beyond 31 March 2013 unless new funding and donations are received. Older people within the Borough face losing our special services and staff face losing their jobs. It is hoped that the community will respond to keep these vital services alive.

Offers of support, donations and suggestions will be gratefully received by our Chief Officer, Age UK Colchester, Globe House, 6 George Street, Colchester (01206 368420).”

Age UK Colchester


Level Best Art Cafe,
D'arcy House, 3 Culver Street East
Colchester, Essex C01 1LD

01206 366 059


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