Mrs Larkins

Mrs Larkins

"The creator of these oil paintings has had a great love of art for most of her life. As a youngerster of nine years she practiced art with her brother as he drew circles, oval and squares, all part of his drawing lessons. Then at 12, while out playing with friends, she encountered two ladies standing by their easels in a woodland clearing and painting a woodland scene. At once she became fascinated and held her breath. She decided to watch the proceedings and hid in a nearby bush - she had a perfect view as every move was noted.

The mixing of paints on the palette to get the exact colour, changing brushes to acquire the best effect as sunshine flooded on the scene making everyone quite beautiful. In the distance her friends were calling her name thinking she was lost. But that was of no importance compared to all this. She coninued watching, ignoring everything else.

By the time the paintings were finished she had resolved to take an Art course and paint similar scenes. Which is exactly what happened. 


Nowadays this lady is elderly but many paintings and drawings have been created - some have been sold, many are too precious to part with. She still continues to paint - all in all she has led a very satisfying lifestyle".

P.D Larkins.

"Bringing Home The Sheep" - Oil on canvas - £85

"By The River Avon" - Oil on canvas - £85

"Candy" - oil on canvas - £85

"Crossing The River Wharfe at Linton, Yorkshire" - oil on canvas - £65

"Donkey Rides at Llandudno" - oil on canvas - Not For Sale

"Friends of The Meadow Horses" oil on canvas - £85

"High Tide at Polperro" oil on canvas - £85

 Dianna and prince Harry" oil on canvas - £85


Shirley Temple £65 

"Lake Ellesmere, NZ, 1921" oil on canvas - £125

"Major" oil on canvas - £ 85 

"Pohutukawa Tree, North Island, NZ" £125 

"Rowing On The River Stour at Dedham" £65 SOLD

"Thatched Cottage in Rural Suffork" £65 

"The Cotswolds" £85


"The End of The Beach" £65 

""the scented garden"" £85 

"The Young Archer" NOT FOR SALE




Level Best Art Cafe,
D'arcy House, 3 Culver Street East
Colchester, Essex C01 1LD

01206 366 059


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